1987 When The Day Comes 2017

- Movie: 1987: When The Day Comes
- Revised romanization: 1987
- Hangul: 1987
- Director: Jang Joon-Hwan
- Writer: Kim Kyung-Chan, Jang Joon-Hwan
- Producer: Jang Young-Hwan
- Cinematographer: Kim Woo-Hyung
- Release Date: December 27, 2017
- Runtime: 129 min.
- Genre: Drama / Based on True Story / Period-1980
- Distributor: CJ Entertainment
- Language: Korean
- Country: South Korea
In 1987, university student & pro-democracy movement member Park Jong-chul is captured by the police. He is then tortured to death. The police and government try to cover up the case of Park Jong-Chul, but the media and university students try to reveal the truth.
- Movie is based on the true story of Park Jong-Chul.
- Kim Yun-Seok, Yeo Jin-Goo and director Jang Joon-Hwan previously worked together in 2013 film “Hwayi: A Monster Boy.”
- Filming began April 20, 2017 and finished August 27, 2017.
- Two main posters for movie “1987: When The Day Comes.”
Status: Completed
Episode: Movie
Source: BD-Rip
Resulation: 1280×688
Video codec: x264
Audio format: Japan AAC

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