Goblin Slayer II 2023
Goblin Slayer is an anime television series based on the light novel series of the same title written by Kumo Kagyu and illustrated by Noboru Kannatuki. In January 2021, a second season of the anime series was announced at GA FES 2021. In January 2023, the official Twitter account for the anime confirmed that Liden Films would be taking over from White Fox as the production studio for the second season. The season aired from October 6 to December 22, 2023.[2][3] The opening theme song is “Entertainment” performed by Mili, while the ending theme song is “Kasumi no Mukō e” (霞の向こうへ, “To the Other Side of the Mist”) performed by Yuki Nakashima.[4] On October 19, 2023, Crunchyroll announced that the second season would begin streaming in English dub the following day
Status: Completed
Episode: 12
Source: BD-Rip ( Moozzi2 )
Resulation: 1280×720
Video codec: x264 & x265 (10bit)
Audio format: Japan AAC
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