
Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990

Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990

mx7ewo6 Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990

Set in early 1900s Tokyo, its story is about a makeup artist named Kosannba. All the women desire to have their make up done by Kosannba because he is the best. He also manages to get intertwined into the lives of many women and proceeds to work out their various problems.

Status: Completed
Episode: 22+1
Source: BD-Rip
Resulation: 1280×720
Video codec: x265 (12bit)
Audio format: Japan AAC

q5h5dyq Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990
488c85c Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990
pu293df Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990
ll1y5k5 Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990
edhsrev Happyakuyachou Hyouri Kewaishi 1990

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